This is the first update of the second batch of tree seeds that I planted a few weeks ago. At this point, four Pines and about twelve Sacred Figs have begun to germinate. Out of the three hundred something seeds planted on this tray, sixteen have managed to germinate. I feel like the Sacred Figs will start to show some explosive growth and that the Pines will at least triple in numbers. Unfortunately, none of the Dawn Redwood trees have managed to sprout yet. This is the tree I am most excited about in this batch so I really hope that at least one starts to grow.

Pine Tree

The Pines all shot up at the same time and are in sync when it comes to their growth. They look bizarre with their splayed needles and a tiny bud of new growth in the center. It is very fascinating watching the new buds of growth get bigger each day. At first, it looks like a tiny green pyramid pointing straight upwards. Over the next few days, the pyramid starts to emerge from the base of the stem more and more until you can start to see the smallest pine needles that form the sides of the pyramid. Eventually, the needles start to grow longer and wider until they fill in the gaps in the canopy above the previous set of needles. Watching this process is super cool and I would definitely recommend growing tree seeds to anybody who is interested.

I have four Pines so far and am pretty confident that at least ten more will grow from this tray. I have about forty-five seeds planted in this tray, at the least I am hoping for a 33% germination success rate. This is a very low percentage, however, any additional amount of trees is probably more than I need.

If you want to learn more about how to care for Pine trees, check out the care guide.

Sacred Fig

The Sacred Figs are the tiniest sprouts I’ve ever seen! Remember that these seeds were extremely small specs? I guess the size of the sprout matches the size of the seed. There were anywhere from two hundred to five hundred of these tiny seeds. There is no way to know exactly how many of these seeds were planted. I’m just low balling it and saying two hundred.

In order to plant these seeds, I had to grab a clump of them and drop them into a hole. There were anywhere from fifty to a hundred and fifty seeds in each hole. So far, the seeds that have germinated have been sprouting up right next to one another. If this continues, each of the compartments could have a massive amount of trees in it. If this were to happen I would be absolutely delighted. Once the seedlings start to grow, I would be able to combine all of them into one large forest grouping. After many years, this forest grouping could be a very prized bonsai.

If you want to learn more about how to care for Sacred Fig trees, check out the care guide.

Stay tuned for more updates about my second batch of tree seeds as they continue to grow and more! If you missed the last post about my first batch of tree seeds or the post about all the tree seeds you can check them out here. Don’t forget, you can also find all these pictures and more in the Gallery.


Tree Seeds: Third Batch Update 9/4/20 : Small Tree Leaf · September 7, 2020 at 8:16 pm

[…] of tree seeds as they start to grow and more! If you missed the previous posts about my first or second batch of tree seeds or the post about all the tree seeds you can check them out here. Don’t […]

Tree Seeds: Second Batch Update 9/15/20 : Small Tree Leaf · September 15, 2020 at 1:03 pm

[…] can find the first update about the second batch of tree seeds here if you haven’t seen it yet. Earlier today, I posted an update about my first batch of tree […]

Old Watering Techniques: Cutting Collection : Small Tree Leaf · September 18, 2020 at 8:00 pm

[…] seeds ended up germinating. Although, if you haven’t read the recent posts about my first, second, and third batch of tree seeds, I am currently growing a wide variety of tree species that have all […]

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