Today, my formal upright Golden Gate Ficus gets a repotting. This is one of my medium cuttings that features the thick trunk. The goal of this repotting is to place the bonsai into a pot that has ample space to grow. I want to encourage lots of new vigorous growth this spring and that all starts with lots of space to grow now. Let’s dive into it!

Formal Upright Golden Gate Ficus Repotting

Medium Golden Gate Ficus Cutting Repotting

I have tried my best to maintain the formal upright shaping of this bonsai. It is a bit slower growing compared to some of my other cuttings of the same species but this is the only one I have in an upright shape so I would like to preserve that. Just like all the other Golden Gate Ficus repottings so far, this one was pretty easy and straightforward too. Remove the tree from the soil by loosening the roots, place the tree into water to soak while you work, place the mesh at the bottom of the new pot, pour in the new soil mixture, place the tree back into the pot, fill in the rest of the space with the soil.

Final Results and Considerations

With all the extra space this bonsai has access to now I’m hoping it’ll start to grow rapidly. I would love to have a beefy formal upright tree as part of my collection. Especially a Golden Gate Ficus. This cutting is actually a part of my original tree which is shaped like an “S”. Having two clones of the same tree with two completely different shapes is kind of ironic to me don’t you think?

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The Gallery has all these photos and more. Don’t miss the growth of all my bonsai trees!

If you missed my last post about my Golden Gate Ficus Grouping and Small Cutting Repotting you can find it here!

Learn more about Universal Bonsai Soil Mixtures here!

Learn more about Tropical Bonsai Soil Mixtures here!