This is the second video in the “Watering Techniques” series. This post will focus on watering my Podocarpus or Chinese Yew. My current watering method for this tree is similar to the one in the video with a few slight differences.

Watering the Podocarpus (Chinese Yew)

I haven’t published an in-depth post about my Podocarpus bonsai yet, however, this will serve as an introduction to this bonsai tree. The Podocarpus bonsai is a very slow-growing tree. Since taking this video, this tree has developed a few new shoots of growth near the top of the tree, but for the most part, there hasn’t been much growth. Watch the video below to see more.


My current watering techniques on this Podocarpus are mostly the same as shown in the video, there are just a few slight differences. Now, I spray the top layer of soil with my spray bottle before I water the tree. I have found that this improves the soil’s ability to absorb water. This leads to less water spilling out over the edges of the pot and avoiding a huge mess. Additionally, I water the tree a little less than I did in the video. I was starting to see signs of over-watering on the tree’s leaves so I started to water it less.

Be sure to check out my YouTube page to view this video and the other watering videos. You can find the other watering posts about the Ginseng Grafted Ficus, Sago Palm, Golden Gate Ficus, and all my cuttings here.

1 Comment

Old Watering Techniques: Cutting Collection : Small Tree Leaf · September 18, 2020 at 8:00 pm

[…] videos. You can find the other watering posts about the Ginseng Grafted Ficus, Golden Gate Ficus, Podocarpus, and Sago Palm here. I hope you enjoyed this series and that it helped you with your own trees […]

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