This is the third video in the “Watering Techniques” series. This post will focus on watering my Golden Gate Ficus bonsai tree. My current watering method for this tree is quite different from the one shown in the video.

Watering the Golden Gate Ficus

If you’ve read the post about my large Golden Gate Ficus care, you will notice that this bonsai is in a different pot than the one in the video. I re-potted this tree a few months ago. This was actually in an attempt to provide better drainage for the tree since its old pot was not draining very well. Watch the video below to see how I water my Golden Gate Ficus and notice how the water falls over the edges of the pot.

Since my Golden Gate Ficus has been re-potted, the drainage has been amazing and I can’t complain about it. The new pot is a lot larger than the old one and the edges are raised. The larger pot size allows for roughly the same amount of watering in the video and isn’t over-watering. The raised edges help keep all the loose soil inside the pot, keeping the mess at a minimum.


The amount of watering shown in the video is probably a little too much. Luckily, I realized that shortly after taking these videos and changed my routine accordingly. Additionally, since the new pot is much larger than the old one, it is a lot easier to water and doesn’t make a mess at all. This bonsai has been flourishing ever since I first got it and hasn’t slowed down.

Don’t forget to check out my YouTube page to watch this video and the other watering videos. You can find the other watering posts about the Ginseng Grafted Ficus, Sago Palm, Podocarpus, and all my cuttings here.


Old Watering Techniques: Cutting Collection : Small Tree Leaf · September 13, 2020 at 1:06 pm

[…] the other watering videos. You can find the other watering posts about the Ginseng Grafted Ficus, Golden Gate Ficus, Podocarpus, and Sago Palm here. I hope you enjoyed this series and that it helped you with your […]

Old Watering Techniques: Ginseng Grafted Ficus : Small Tree Leaf · September 18, 2020 at 8:02 pm

[…] see this video and the rest of the watering videos. You can find the other watering posts about the Golden Gate Ficus, Sago Palm, Podocarpus, and all my cuttings […]

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