Repotting My Royal Poinciana Bonsai Tree

Hello Everybody! It’s a super special day today! It’s my birthday!! To celebrate the day, I will be repotting one of my favorite bonsai trees, the Royal Poinciana. If you’ve been following along with the series, you may notice that this tree received a repotting not too long ago. This is one of the bonsai trees that I wanted to show how to repot in both organic and inorganic soil. Don’t worry, this tree has had a few weeks to settle down and I won’t be putting too much stress on it by doing another repotting.

Repotting My Royal Poinciana Bonsai Tree

Current Condition

Not much has changed since the last update a few weeks ago, but the tree handled the first repotting extremely well. It had zero dead loss and has actually started to grow a new branch! I had it wired tightly in place last time and I worry that I may not be able to get it as tight in this rocky soil mix. I am really liking how this bonsai looks in the pot I selected last time and will be keeping it in that same pot during this repotting.

Repotting Royal Poinciana

Learn more about the outdoor bonsai soil mix I made for this tree here! The mixture I will be using to fill the pot is similar to the inorganic mix that you can see removed from the bottom of the old pot. Since they are so similar and the old material is only a few weeks old, I combined some of the older mix into the newer mix to conserve my materials. If the older mix had been in the pot for the past two years or something I would have thrown it out instead of reusing it. Either way is fine, it’s entirely up to you!

Lastly, this inorganic soil mix is way easier to repot with than the organic soil. After you pour a scoop of the mix into the pot, it fills in all the gaps without you having to do hardly anything! The mix also hardly goes down when you water it at the end. This means you don’t have to keep putting more and more soil into the pot as you water it and pat it down to get rid of any air pockets.

Final Results and Considerations

Once again, I think this repotting went really smoothly. Only suiting for it being my birthday! I think that this new soil mix makes the tree look even better once it’s potted. I really wish this tree had some surface roots but that is the next step! This soil should encourage rapid root growth which I will be monitoring closely so that I can start shaping the surface roots.

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The Gallery has all these photos and more. Don’t miss the growth of all my bonsai trees!

If you missed my last post about my Monstrous Ginseng Grafted Ficus Repotting you can find it here!

Learn more about Universal Bonsai Soil Mixtures here!

Learn more about Tropical Bonsai Soil Mixtures here!