Small Tree Leaf Returns!

Hello Everybody! I am back! After a two year hiatus, Small Tree Leaf returns and is better than every before. To kick things off, have you noticed the new logo? I designed it myself and am quite the fan, if I do say so myself. Let me know what you think!

Upcoming Content

New logo aside, there is a lot of content coming very soon! The first round of posts and videos all will be dealing with repotting. It has been over two years since I repotted most of my bonsai trees and it shows. Most of them are root bound and are going to pose quite the challenge to remove. Sprinkled into the repotting series will be some root styling, root pruning, wiring, and growth update posts. Be on the lookout for new posts and videos to go live on Wednesdays at 4:00pm and Saturdays at 3:00pm (Eastern Time). And don’t forget to sign-up for post notifications, on the right side of the screen, so you don’t miss any posts! The first post about my Royal Poinciana bonsai tree will be live right after this one.

The repotting series will start with some of my bonsai trees being placed into all organic soil with some inorganic material placed at the bottom of the pot while others will feature a mix of organic soil and inorganic material all throughout the soil. The main purpose behind this was to show two different ways to repot bonsai trees. Additionally, I was also interested at taking a try at using an organic and inorganic soil blend since it’s something I’ve never done before.

Thank You

I wanted to give everybody who has stuck with me during this leave of absence a gigantic thank you! It means the world to me after having been gone for so long to to log onto my website and see that there are still people reading my blog posts and watching my videos. I really hope that they are helpful for whatever tasks you may be undertaking with your plants and also a source of entertainment. Again, thank you to everybody who has stuck with me and welcome to all the new people joining in for the first time. Small Tree Leaf returns!

Be sure to check out my YouTube channel and don’t forget to subscribe to never miss any content!

The Gallery has all these photos and more. Don’t miss the growth of all my bonsai trees!

If you missed my last post about my Golden Gate Ficus bonsai you can find it here!